Monday, October 1, 2012

Theft of a Nation

When someone steals from you or your family you call the police right?  But who do you call when the government steals your money to give it someone else?  Well that's when you need to call upon great American's to run for political office to stop the theft of the American people.

It is time to bring back citizen representatives again in our political process.  We need to focus on people that not only will promise to do the right thing, but when they are under pressure from their political party or special interests they do not buckle and break their promises to those that voted for them.  Promises are just that promises and we have allowed too many politicians to break them, but we continue to reelect them.  We not only reelect them we elect them to higher positions to acquire more power and the ability to take more of our money.

When I interview candidates I ask them questions on my radio show.  I want to hear them give their thoughts on the issues and allow people to decide for themselves.  I allow them to share what they would do to turn things around in their local communities, states, and our great nation.  We don't have much time left to turn this around so we must be educated on who will lead us into the future.  The future decisions that will not only affect us, but will affect generations to come is coming so be prepared to make educated decisions when choosing our elected officials.

This November you will be choosing people to represent you, your family, friends, and neighbors.  I hope and pray that everyone that goes out to vote did their homework.  Homework is something that most people dreaded in school, but now we must do our homework or our nation will fail it's greatest test.  The greatest nation on the face of the Earth can go down in history like many other great civilizations.  Will you be one of those that allowed this to happen?  I hope not so do your homework and tell others to be educated on the candidates because the consequences can last beyond your lifetime.

1 comment:

  1. This election (if actually held) might well be THE last election to determine whether or not The United States of America joins the junk heap of other great civilizations which were brought down by rot from within. We have lost our moral compass, the work ethic is something at which to sneer; something for nothing is the cry of the day; GOD and JESUS have been kicked to the curb and our nation is paying a mighty high price for those actions; elected officials think of themselves as royalty and act accordingly with tax-payer money or borrowed monies, strapping future generations with guaranteed poverty, and yet, most voters would rather watch DWTS than become knowledgeable about the candidates and how much damage has been done to our once beloved Nation.
