Recently there have been reports that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is giving us fresh new ways to put people on welfare. This case it is food stamps which are also known as EBT or SNAP. You know the government needs to create new names in order to make the stigma of food stamps to go away. The USDA is a part of a corrupt government that is willing to promote the welfare state rather than promote a work or career driven state.
Now, the USDA wants people to throw a party! How about a party to promote the USDA and their ever increasing food stamps program. Over 47 million Americans are on it so what is a few million more right? It seems like that the government programs continue to grow faster than the jobs market. So why not join in on the giveaway and not get a job. If you make too much income you can't enjoy the benefits of the welfare state and you have to start paying for other people's food stamps and government welfare.
Evidence in a FDLE investigation on food stamp fraud.
Sure food stamps ,once upon a time in a land and time far far away, were meant to be a temporary program to help those in need. Now it is a generational program handed down through the generations no matter what race, age, or sex you are. Educating others on the benefit of freebies has been perpetuated by the government. Radio, television, and online advertising saying if you are on one government benefit you could qualify for another. More taxpayer dollars and borrowed money (borrowed time with Chinese debt) to fund the welfare and nanny state. Why get an education, job, or have any personal responsibility when the government is willing to prop you up?
Get more welfare by calling.
We have a $16 trillion debt in this country, but we have more government programs expanding so how are they going to pay for it? More Chinese debt, print more money and create more inflation, or raise taxes are the options. None of them look pretty as options and having a valid conversation about it can make you look like a jerk when liberals say you don't care about people. Caring about people is charity and this government is not a real charity. Wasting trillions on an Utopia welfare state has failed and the "War on Poverty" has failed. Sometimes you have to admit there is a problem in order to fix it.
This election season start thinking about our future. A future when people have jobs and if you work you can provide for your family and help those in need in your community. The USDA continues to perpetuate a welfare state where you can buy junk food on food stamps, use cash benefits to take money out at strip clubs and casinos, and retailers can commit fraud also to abuse the system. The Founding Fathers envisioned a nation of free people that could take care of themselves. Now, we have a government that takes care of millions.
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