Sunday, October 14, 2012

Michelle Obama and the Flag

Recently I saw a video that was just disturbing to me so I had to share it.  The video just shows how much Michelle Obama respects the flag of the United States of America.  Her love or dis-love for the flag for that matter.  The President on several occasions has shown his lack of respect for the flag that he represents as the President of The United States of America, now we have a lip reader that captures Michelle Obama showing how she feels.

The other disturbing thing about this video and is the approval of the President nodding to her.  He approves of what she is saying.  Once again another off script and off teleprompter moment in the Presidency of Barack Obama.  It took someone on Facebook to bring this up to me because the mainstream media won't expose this to the light of day.  The American people deserve to know Michelle and Barack Obama's real feelings about our nation and how they want to fundamentally change it forever.  Just another reason to vote Barack Obama out in November.

Michelle Obama's "All this for a damn flag" comment shows no respect for the flag of United States of America and what it stands for.  It stands for freedom, hard work to keep our republic free, and the people that gave their lives to keep us free.  Apparently Michelle Obama does not care about the freedom loving Americans and just cares to keep her lavish lifestyle in the White House on the taxpayer dime.  This November 6th it is time to send a message to Michelle and Barack Obama and to the American people that we are done with this administration of hating on the flag and our values that made our country great.

Make sure to get out and vote and share with your friends and family why we must change direction before it is too late.  We are a nation that has had it's struggles, but it is time to come together to fix it without the government taking over industries and taking our rights.  We still have the ability to vote and remove our representatives peacefully in our nation.  Use it before we could possibly lose it.  God Bless our flag and God Bless The United States of America.

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