The infamous Obama supporter losing her voting virginity to a great guy.
I saw a video that was very concerning to me and other Americans. This video is a typical left wing democrat attempt to say women should vote for another four years of President Obama by saying I will give your more free stuff. Free stuff is not truly free first of all. Someone has to pay for your way and that is theft by the government by the I.R.S. Theft by extortion because if you don't pay your taxes you can be penalized with interest, more penalties, and even jail time in some cases.
Free birth control is not a right. If you are going to engage in sexual activity no one should be paying for your birth control except yourself. You want to do the "deed" it is on you to pay for your own. I am absolutely tired of this so called "war on women" because if you want to do something go ahead and earn it. Get a job with good health insurance to pay for your birth control or find a company that offers birth control as an option in their insurance programs. You don't have a right to my money to get your freebies. Another leftists that is willing to vote for someone to take from someone else's family.
Free healthcare is another item that is not really free. Taking money from my family to support someone else that is not willing to get an education or job training to get a better job is wrong. That is called communism. Taking from one group to give to another group without earning it is simply wrong. Take personal responsibility and do better for yourself. Save money in case if there is an emergency. Get a job that has good benefits and stop counting on someone else to pay for your way. One day and that day is coming soon, when there will not be enough other people's money to go around, not enough Chinese debt to fund it, and people will stop trying to do more because the motivation for many will be gone since more and more of their money is being taken away.
President Obama is simply trying to deflect his record of $6 trillion in more debt and nothing to show for it. At least nothing that President Obama wants to brag about. The President continues hide what happened in Fast and Furious when Americans and Mexicans died with guns bought and given away by the United States government to drug cartels. President Obama will not answer to why we did not try defend our embassy in Libya and allowed four Americans to die and won't come out and called it for what it is and that is a terrorist attack. It is time to vote out President Obama and get people back to work so they can get their own paycheck instead of a welfare check and stop this social welfare experiment that has failed and put our nation's financial security in jeopardy.
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