Once again the Obama reelection advertisements set new lows. This time using children to push their agenda of madness. Throughout history propaganda has been used to influence children since their so impressionable so why not use children in this way. Trying to get parents guilt vote this year because the President can't stop campaigning while Americans die in the name of progress for this administration.
President Obama has acquired over $6 trillion in new debt in under four years, but the President is not asked by the media what have the American people bought with all of this debt? Are there any fixed assets for this money that was spent or will these children in this video be the butt of the joke for some more not so shovel ready jobs as the President laughed at. The President of the United States of America Barack Obama laughed at wasting a Trillion dollars on jobs there were not there. He wasted our children's futures on a bet.
I just want to break down this little gem of an ad. In this ad the kids say "and lots of Chinese stuff" so I propose this question to the Obama administration that is way to scared to answer anything of substance. How about those trillions in Chinese debt to fund this social welfare experience? We are drowning in Chinese debt right now so don't try to play off the real Chinese debt problem. Debt is dangerous to a free society because someone has to pay and economic freedom drives a nation or can bring it down when it is limited.
Also, it wouldn't be an Obama ad without bringing up Big Bird. The President is desperate to win and cannot run on a record of success. President Obama continues to pander to people to get votes without explaining all of the failures of his administration. Failure of 1 in 6 in poverty, an additional 15 million on food stamps and plan to get them off of it, and $6 trillion in new debt and nothing to show for it. The President has failed and he is using children because he is absolute desperate to win and won't accept he has failed.
President Obama said if he can't get this turned around in three years then it would be a one term proposition and now he asking for more time. More time for what Mr. President? More time to go over $20 trillion in debt after you promised to cut the debt by half. More time after you promised to lower unemployment to around 5%, but we have this falsified 7.8% unemployment rate that does not include people that have run out of their unemployment benefits, dropped out of the labor force because they cannot find work, or they have part time work and are not counted as underemployed. The President has failed and his vision of "Forward" will destroy our nation. So we must move "Forward" without Barack Obama as the President.
President Obama has acquired over $6 trillion in new debt in under four years, but the President is not asked by the media what have the American people bought with all of this debt? Are there any fixed assets for this money that was spent or will these children in this video be the butt of the joke for some more not so shovel ready jobs as the President laughed at. The President of the United States of America Barack Obama laughed at wasting a Trillion dollars on jobs there were not there. He wasted our children's futures on a bet.
I just want to break down this little gem of an ad. In this ad the kids say "and lots of Chinese stuff" so I propose this question to the Obama administration that is way to scared to answer anything of substance. How about those trillions in Chinese debt to fund this social welfare experience? We are drowning in Chinese debt right now so don't try to play off the real Chinese debt problem. Debt is dangerous to a free society because someone has to pay and economic freedom drives a nation or can bring it down when it is limited.
Also, it wouldn't be an Obama ad without bringing up Big Bird. The President is desperate to win and cannot run on a record of success. President Obama continues to pander to people to get votes without explaining all of the failures of his administration. Failure of 1 in 6 in poverty, an additional 15 million on food stamps and plan to get them off of it, and $6 trillion in new debt and nothing to show for it. The President has failed and he is using children because he is absolute desperate to win and won't accept he has failed.
President Obama said if he can't get this turned around in three years then it would be a one term proposition and now he asking for more time. More time for what Mr. President? More time to go over $20 trillion in debt after you promised to cut the debt by half. More time after you promised to lower unemployment to around 5%, but we have this falsified 7.8% unemployment rate that does not include people that have run out of their unemployment benefits, dropped out of the labor force because they cannot find work, or they have part time work and are not counted as underemployed. The President has failed and his vision of "Forward" will destroy our nation. So we must move "Forward" without Barack Obama as the President.
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