Sunday, November 4, 2012

Voting is the Best Revenge

On November 2nd President Obama's reelection campaign went off script again and now the President is asking people to for vote for "revenge."  Let's first look at the definition of revenge that I reviewed it at and it shows "Revenge is a harmful action against a person or group in response to a grievance, be it real or perceived."  The anger of the Obama campaign is now reaching its peak as revenge.  Revenge from what you may ask?  What has Mitt Romney done to Barack Obama or the American people to invoke revenge?  Seems once again President Obama is desperate to get votes so when a crowd boos Mitt Romney he has to invoke the word revenge.

President Obama has accumulated another $6 trillion in debt, unemployment rate at 7.9% for those actually counted and that number is not a real indication of show bad it really is.  That 7.9% number is a number that does not include under employeed, people that have had their unemployment benefits run out, people that took part time work, or those people that have given up looking for work.  Those are what President Obama will not touch and why would he right?  Running on his record would not get him reelected at all, but he has to use people with "revenge" as a motivation to vote for him.

President Obama has showed anger in this election along with his Vice President Joe Biden.  President Obama cannot run on Obamacare because many of the taxes and fees are about to start and he doesn't want the election to be about that accomplishment.  That is why he continues to use Big Bird, Elmo, and now revenge.  A person running from his record will try to deflect attention from what really matters.  The debt is out of control and the President is not telling us how he will get us out of it with real answers.  Saying I will cut some here and tax the rich over there is not reality.  It is playing politics as usual, but with class warfare this time.  Demonizing success is not American, but this election is about The United States of America and the future of our nation.

The future of our nation is on the line and not an angry President deflecting what the issues are.  Over 47 million people on food stamps and over 15 million of them are added on his watch.  Why does he ignore this and not address it?  He doesn't want to remind people on how he expanded the social welfare state and has no plan to get people off of food stamps and allows the USDA to continue expanding the program with more Chinese debt.  President Obama wants to have people on government assistance and if did not he would not allow it to expand this much and would have not laughed at the not so shovel ready jobs.  Spending all that money for nothing and laughing at it.  Our economy is not a joke, but this election is about revenge.  The President is out for revenge, but on who?  

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