Thursday, September 27, 2012

Politics and Religion

Alright the title says it all and that is something that so many people say that you should not talk about. Politics and religion are those touchy subjects that people say not to talk about around the dinner table, around strangers, or at work for that matter.  So I guess our country has been taught that discussing the hot issues of the day might "offend" someone and you might just be carrying about a "brown box" from work.

It is truly sad that we live a in supposed free nation where the exchange of ideas was once one of the great things that separated us from the monarchies or the dictatorships of the world.  The United States of America has been molded into a nation of keep your mouth shut before you offend someone.  Well guess what?  Keeping my mouth shut offends me because our nation is failing because we can't talk politics or religion for that matter.

We cannot point out that extremist countries in the Middle East are "holding onto their guns and religion" while in our country President Obama made fun of Christians that believe in the 2nd Amendment and their religious beliefs that they hold dear.  Maybe President Obama should go to Mecca and go ahead and give his holding onto your guns and religion speech and see show that works out for him.  Now, that I have pointed that out, maybe I will be on the list of people that are on President Obama's list.

I believe that we need to have the tough political discussions while we still have time to do so.  We are approaching an important Presidential election and need to talk about what issues face our nation and who is going to be "our leader" to get us out of this economic situation.  Don't get me wrong the President does not control the entire economy, but the President is the face of our nation and the world is always watching what the President is going to do or not do for that matter.

If you don't talk about religion I can understand since we do not live in a society that will kill you for not being with the "state sanctioned religion," but it is time that we discuss the issues that are affecting us in politics.  Politics surround us and we need to talk about the issues of the day before the issues we are talking about are $10 a gallon gasoline, $10 milk, and how we remembered the good old days of the 2010's.  It can happen my friends.  We must work on electing people that will turn this around.

A debt that has passed $16 trillion dollars and the President will not acknowledge it on late night T.V.  Ignorance is not bliss especially when our nation borrows over $3 billion a day to pay for our government to run welfare programs that we simply cannot afford, wars that we should have won years ago, and inefficient government that our politicians prop up with Chinese debt and inflation by printing more money.  The House of Cards if almost falling down and it is up to us to start talking about politics now before it is too late!

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