Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Opt in or Opt out!

Recently the Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg got his wish to ban sugary drinks above 16 oz. These sugary sodas cannot be served or the restaurant can face substantial fines if they do so.  Now this is a great example of the government opting you in to their new law without you having any choice in the matter.  This is another example of the nanny state jumping in to save us from ourselves and treating New Yorker's once again as fools that cannot judge for themselves.

Now the good mayor of New York City finds it o.k. to give your daughters birth control on demand.  Now if you want to actually have control over the medications your child takes you will have to "opt out" of this program.  The irony is most schools make you sign a consent form to give your child medicine for headaches, but they will hand out birth control to your daughter's without a second thought.  You have to opt out to get control of your child's ability to get "free", which is another government handout, medication that can actually in some cases cause health problems without a parent's consent.

I just find this totally disturbing.  We do not teach our children in public schools to wait on sex at all.  We empower them with free condoms and birth control so they can run off and get some STD's or even pregnant since most children are not responsible enough to take the medication they are given behind their parents' backs anyways.  Why should we be surprised anyways right?  We have a nanny state that continues to give away our hard earned money on programs like this rather than try to teach some self control in our children's lives.

You can't get a soda from a restaurant that is over 16 oz. without possibly getting fined, but your kid can get free condoms and birth control on the taxpayer dime with no consent?  If you tired of our of control nanny state government then start to teaching your kids the right thing and vote out these controlling politicians that think you are too lazy and too stupid to take care of your own family.  I encourage you to go to the polls and send a message of we are tired of being robbed to pay for bad behavior of others and politicians this November!

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