Wednesday, October 31, 2012

President Obama and the Campaign Ad

Once again the Obama reelection advertisements set new lows.  This time using children to push their agenda of madness.  Throughout history propaganda has been used to influence children since their so impressionable so why not use children in this way.  Trying to get parents guilt vote this year because the President can't stop campaigning while Americans die in the name of progress for this administration.

President Obama has acquired over $6 trillion in new debt in under four years, but the President is not asked by the media what have the American people bought with all of this debt?  Are there any fixed assets for this money that was spent or will these children in this video be the butt of the joke for some more not so shovel ready jobs as the President laughed at.  The President of the United States of America Barack Obama laughed at wasting a Trillion dollars on jobs there were not there.  He wasted our children's futures on a bet.

I just want to break down this little gem of an ad.  In this ad the kids say "and lots of Chinese stuff" so I propose this question to the Obama administration that is way to scared to answer anything of substance.  How about those trillions in Chinese debt to fund this social welfare experience?  We are drowning in Chinese debt right now so don't try to play off the real Chinese debt problem.  Debt is dangerous to a free society because someone has to pay and economic freedom drives a nation or can bring it down when it is limited.

Also, it wouldn't be an Obama ad without bringing up Big Bird.  The President is desperate to win and cannot run on a record of success.  President Obama continues to pander to people to get votes without explaining all of the failures of his administration.  Failure of 1 in 6 in poverty, an additional 15 million on food stamps and plan to get them off of it, and $6 trillion in new debt and nothing to show for it.  The President has failed and he is using children because he is absolute desperate to win and won't accept he has failed.

President Obama said if he can't get this turned around in three years then it would be a one term proposition and now he asking for more time.  More time for what Mr. President?  More time to go over $20 trillion in debt after you promised to cut the debt by half.  More time after you promised to lower unemployment to around 5%, but we have this falsified 7.8% unemployment rate that does not include people that have run out of their unemployment benefits, dropped out of the labor force because they cannot find work, or they have part time work and are not counted as underemployed.  The President has failed and his vision of "Forward" will destroy our nation.  So we must move "Forward" without Barack Obama as the President.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

You're First Time

The infamous Obama supporter losing her voting virginity to a great guy.

I saw a video that was very concerning to me and other Americans.  This video is a typical left wing democrat attempt to say women should vote for another four years of President Obama by saying I will give your more free stuff.  Free stuff is not truly free first of all.  Someone has to pay for your way and that is theft by the government by the I.R.S.  Theft by extortion because if you don't pay your taxes you can be penalized with interest, more penalties, and even jail time in some cases.  

Free birth control is not a right.  If you are going to engage in sexual activity no one should be paying for your birth control except yourself.  You want to do the "deed" it is on you to pay for your own.  I am absolutely tired of this so called "war on women" because if you want to do something go ahead and earn it.  Get a job with good health insurance to pay for your birth control or find a company that offers birth control as an option in their insurance programs.  You don't have a right to my money to get your freebies.  Another leftists that is willing to vote for someone to take from someone else's family.

Free healthcare is another item that is not really free.  Taking money from my family to support someone else that is not willing to get an education or job training to get a better job is wrong.  That is called communism.  Taking from one group to give to another group without earning it is simply wrong.  Take personal responsibility and do better for yourself.  Save money in case if there is an emergency.  Get a job that has good benefits and stop counting on someone else to pay for your way.  One day and that day is coming soon, when there will not be enough other people's money to go around, not enough Chinese debt to fund it, and people will stop trying to do more because the motivation for many will be gone since more and more of their money is being taken away.

President Obama is simply trying to deflect his record of $6 trillion in more debt and nothing to show for it.  At least nothing that President Obama wants to brag about.  The President continues hide what happened in Fast and Furious when Americans and Mexicans died with guns bought and given away by the United States government to drug cartels.  President Obama will not answer to why we did not try defend our embassy in Libya and allowed four Americans to die and won't come out and called it for what it is and that is a terrorist attack.  It is time to vote out President Obama and get people back to work so they can get their own paycheck instead of a welfare check and stop this social welfare experiment that has failed and put our nation's financial security in jeopardy.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Food stamps and Parties

Recently there have been reports that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is giving us fresh new ways to put people on welfare. This case it is food stamps which are also known as EBT or SNAP.  You know the government needs to create new names in order to make the stigma of food stamps to go away.  The USDA is a part of a corrupt government that is willing to promote the welfare state rather than promote a work or career driven state.

Now, the USDA wants people to throw a party!  How about a party to promote the USDA and their ever increasing food stamps program. Over 47 million Americans are on it so what is a few million more right?  It seems like that the government programs continue to grow faster than the jobs market.  So why not join in on the giveaway and not get a job.  If you make too much income you can't enjoy the benefits of the welfare state and you have to start paying for other people's food stamps and government welfare.

Evidence in a FDLE investigation on food stamp fraud.

Sure food stamps ,once upon a time in a land and time far far away, were meant to be a temporary program to help those in need.  Now it is a generational program handed down through the generations no matter what race, age, or sex you are.  Educating others on the benefit of freebies has been perpetuated by the government.  Radio, television, and online advertising saying if you are on one government benefit you could qualify for another.  More taxpayer dollars and borrowed money (borrowed time with Chinese debt) to fund the welfare and nanny state.  Why get an education, job, or have any personal responsibility when the government is willing to prop you up?

Get more welfare by calling.

We have a $16 trillion debt in this country, but we have more government programs expanding so how are they going to pay for it?  More Chinese debt, print more money and create more inflation, or raise taxes are the options.  None of them look pretty as options and having a valid conversation about it can make you look like a jerk when liberals say you don't care about people.  Caring about people is charity and this government is not a real charity.  Wasting trillions on an Utopia welfare state has failed and the "War on Poverty" has failed.  Sometimes you have to admit there is a problem in order to fix it.

This election season start thinking about our future.  A future when people have jobs and if you work you can provide for your family and help those in need in your community.  The USDA continues to perpetuate a welfare state where you can buy junk food on food stamps, use cash benefits to take money out at strip clubs and casinos, and retailers can commit fraud also to abuse the system.  The Founding Fathers envisioned a nation of free people that could take care of themselves.  Now, we have a government that takes care of millions.  

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Michelle Obama and the Flag

Recently I saw a video that was just disturbing to me so I had to share it.  The video just shows how much Michelle Obama respects the flag of the United States of America.  Her love or dis-love for the flag for that matter.  The President on several occasions has shown his lack of respect for the flag that he represents as the President of The United States of America, now we have a lip reader that captures Michelle Obama showing how she feels.

The other disturbing thing about this video and is the approval of the President nodding to her.  He approves of what she is saying.  Once again another off script and off teleprompter moment in the Presidency of Barack Obama.  It took someone on Facebook to bring this up to me because the mainstream media won't expose this to the light of day.  The American people deserve to know Michelle and Barack Obama's real feelings about our nation and how they want to fundamentally change it forever.  Just another reason to vote Barack Obama out in November.

Michelle Obama's "All this for a damn flag" comment shows no respect for the flag of United States of America and what it stands for.  It stands for freedom, hard work to keep our republic free, and the people that gave their lives to keep us free.  Apparently Michelle Obama does not care about the freedom loving Americans and just cares to keep her lavish lifestyle in the White House on the taxpayer dime.  This November 6th it is time to send a message to Michelle and Barack Obama and to the American people that we are done with this administration of hating on the flag and our values that made our country great.

Make sure to get out and vote and share with your friends and family why we must change direction before it is too late.  We are a nation that has had it's struggles, but it is time to come together to fix it without the government taking over industries and taking our rights.  We still have the ability to vote and remove our representatives peacefully in our nation.  Use it before we could possibly lose it.  God Bless our flag and God Bless The United States of America.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Elmo and the White Suburban

President Obama was in San Francisco this week and wanted to make a joke at a campaign rally.  Of course this joke that President Obama wanted to make was not on script or teleprompter.  The President in his almighty wisdom wants to be somewhat funny, but all he did was make many more American's wonder why he continues to try to make jokes while millions of Americans are suffering.

Let's break it down the President's joke about Elmo and the White Suburban.  The joke was meant as a comeback to Mitt Romney's statement in the debate that he will cut funding to PBS if he is elected as President this fall.  President Obama said that Elmo is driving to the border in a White Suburban.  While many people think it was an O.J. Simpson joke I really feel it wasn't at all.  San Francisco is very well known as a sanctuary city for illegal aliens.  The driving for the border by Elmo is just another gaff by the President in a well known sanctuary city.

Second, let's break down the White Suburban comment that the President made.  Another hidden meaning in this case.  The President is talking about white suburban people.  Think about the words in a sanctuary city talking about driving for the border and mentioning a white suburban vehicle.  The suburban a well known soccer mom vehicle in the suburbs of America.  Words have meanings and he used that white suburban comment off script and off teleprompter once again showing his true thought process.  

Third, many people may or may not be aware that Elmo's voice is actual done by a Kevin Clash who is an African American puppeteer and voice actor.  Don't think the President did not have has this on his mind when he used Elmo.  Why not use Oscar the Grouch, Cookie Monster, or any other character for that matter.  The President made a decision to use Elmo in this case.  We must watch our politicians very carefully and the words they speak because you can get a glimpse into what they are thinking when they are off script or teleprompter in this case.

Why would President Obama be so specific in picking a "white suburban", "Elmo", "driving to the border", and of all places in San Francisco a well known sanctuary city known for protecting illegal aliens.  This break down of his statement can be very revealing into the mind of President Obama.  The President is known as a very well educated person so we have take him at his words right?  It is time to listen to the President and figure out the meanings of his words and I figured out his words as soon as he said this statement.  Watch the video and you will see what I am saying.  He was trying to figure out what to say and those were his words.  

The election is fast approaching and it is time to use our education and make a choice for the direction of The United States of America.  I encourage you to learn more about your candidates for President.  This election is important for our lives and future generations.  

Saturday, October 6, 2012

President Obama and his tweet

I was reading on twitter this morning and saw a "featured tweet" from President Obama. It's always nice to see how twitter thinks I want to know what President Obama wants to say (being sarcastic). Even though I don't particularly want to know what President Obama says I always want to know what the competition is up to.

I saw the tweet from President Obama of @mattbrower26: “@BarackObama: This election is too important to sit out. Register to vote before it's too late:” so I just had to retweet it! I did retweet it, but I included my own little message at the end. It was just one of those moments where you want to thank the President for giving you something you can use. I put "vote republican" on the tweet. It's just my public service to our nation.

After President Obama's less than spectacular debate results this week he should definitely regroup. Just tell us what you believe in. Don't candy coat it, but tell us how you want to change out nation forever with millions out of work and joining the welfare roles. A Marxist is a Marxist no matter how you spell it. His actions as President and his past show it. Sealing your records along with your wife's records is not the transparency we were looking for you. It is time to show us the items you are hiding so the American people can to know you little better!

We must vote on November 6th and show the President we are done with this fantasy Utopia society he is trying to create will destroy our nation! You have run out of money and time. People are suffering and you are running around on talk shows while we have Americans giving their lives on our borders and in other nations. They are giving their lives in vain for a President with a vanity problem!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Alright I am sure by now you have seen these "COEXIST" bumper stickers.  I know we all love going to theme parks or watching fantasy movies and this bumper sticker is the ultimate liberal fantasy.  Fantasy is o.k. as long as you are not in danger.  The danger my friends is the danger of letting your guard down and living in a fantasy world.

While most religions of the world tend to be peaceful and welcoming there are always the exception to the rule.  Sure while many people would like to live in peace some religious fundamentalists want to control people rather than letting them live free and make decisions for themselves.  We have many nations in the Middle East that are not willing to "COEXIST", but we have liberals that continue to live in the fantasy world that everyone will get along.

As long as we have theocracies in this world that are willing to hurt people and hurt people just because of the religious beliefs we cannot "COEXIST."  You can never "COEXIST" with someone that wants to kill you because of your beliefs.  A great example of this in the Middle East with Iran vowing to wipe Israel off the map or the terrorists willing to send their children with bombs to kill innocent people on buses, restaurants, and other public places.

We must remember a bumper sticker cannot change the world.  A bumper sticker will not change the minds of those that want to harm you, your family, your neighbor, and other innocent people.  You must always realize there is evil in the world and there will be people that are willing to harm you so go ahead and have your bumper sticker and live in a fantasy world and hopefully you will not be harmed by extremist that will have no problem harming you.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Christian and Democrat

I saw this in the Lakeland Ledger newspaper in it's October 2nd, 2012 edition.  When I saw this opinion piece and it's title I just had to read it, even for it's comedic title.  I am going to give you little break down of this opinion piece because I feel this person is definitely on the wrong team in terms of political party.  Not all political parties or people are perfect, but this has to be addressed.

This person outlined why she is a Democrat even though she is a Christian.  The first bullet says she believes in what the Bible says about homosexuality and abortion.  So you believe those are wrong, but you willfully show your support for a party that actively support these practices.  This person is willing to vote for a President that once did share your belief in marriage between one man and one woman, but he all of sudden evolved his beliefs in an election year?  As for abortion the President and his Democrat Party support abortion on demand rather than practicing personal responsibility by not sleeping around and taking precautions to prevent pregnancy.  If you vote for this then you condone it because it is what they talk about and support.

Next, she believes in the Bible telling people to help those in need.  So the government should just take whatever it deems necessary to help those people it believes that are in need of your money?  This is the backwards thinking that has allowed our nation to be taxed so hard to buy the loyalty of those on welfare.  The Bible did not say for the government to take to become a forced charity and if you don't pay your forced charity gift you could end up paying fines, penalties, or even jail time.  If you truly believe in helping people then give out of the kindness of your heart and stop forcing people by taxing them.  Once again some personal responsibility would be great and also allowing non profits, charities, and churches to get involved with helping people on a local level to get them to a better place.  The government is not interested in you personally, but only filled with people ready to get power and keep it.  Local issues require local people to step up and do the right thing and get government out of it.

She also wants to talk about freedom.  I believe in freedom in our great nation so let's talk about freedom for a moment.  President Obama and the Democrats said you are going to be able to keep your doctor with Obamacare.  Many doctors are already not taking new Medicare and Medicaid insured people because the reimbursements are too low and not cost effective to keep seeing these people.  So keeping your freedom of choice for doctors is not true under that insurance plan.  Let's also talk about freedom in general.  If you have freedom to do everything then why have laws.  Supporting the Democrats freedom grab in healthcare if wrong.

If you feel the Democrats or the President are on the side of Israel you are wrong again. President Obama preferred to be on The View rather than meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The President is more concerned with keeping his power rather than meeting with the only true democracy in the Middle East.  The President is not being tough on Iran and it's leaders that have publicly said they want to wipe Israel off the map.  That is the President and the Democrats in action.

Finally, the Bible does not tell us to follow leaders that are not following principles that we do not believe in.  Many times in the Bible Christians were killed because they would not bow to false idols or false gods.  The Democrat Convention had a part where people actually "boo" God.  Really this is the party that shares your Christian beliefs?  The nanny state of providing for people that do not take responsibility for their own actions.  A party that removed God from it's platform at the start of the convention you feel shares your Christian values?  The question at the end of the day is what is the price of your freedom worth because freedom has different definitions especially with this woman in Florida.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Theft of a Nation

When someone steals from you or your family you call the police right?  But who do you call when the government steals your money to give it someone else?  Well that's when you need to call upon great American's to run for political office to stop the theft of the American people.

It is time to bring back citizen representatives again in our political process.  We need to focus on people that not only will promise to do the right thing, but when they are under pressure from their political party or special interests they do not buckle and break their promises to those that voted for them.  Promises are just that promises and we have allowed too many politicians to break them, but we continue to reelect them.  We not only reelect them we elect them to higher positions to acquire more power and the ability to take more of our money.

When I interview candidates I ask them questions on my radio show.  I want to hear them give their thoughts on the issues and allow people to decide for themselves.  I allow them to share what they would do to turn things around in their local communities, states, and our great nation.  We don't have much time left to turn this around so we must be educated on who will lead us into the future.  The future decisions that will not only affect us, but will affect generations to come is coming so be prepared to make educated decisions when choosing our elected officials.

This November you will be choosing people to represent you, your family, friends, and neighbors.  I hope and pray that everyone that goes out to vote did their homework.  Homework is something that most people dreaded in school, but now we must do our homework or our nation will fail it's greatest test.  The greatest nation on the face of the Earth can go down in history like many other great civilizations.  Will you be one of those that allowed this to happen?  I hope not so do your homework and tell others to be educated on the candidates because the consequences can last beyond your lifetime.