Thursday, September 27, 2012
Politics and Religion
Alright the title says it all and that is something that so many people say that you should not talk about. Politics and religion are those touchy subjects that people say not to talk about around the dinner table, around strangers, or at work for that matter. So I guess our country has been taught that discussing the hot issues of the day might "offend" someone and you might just be carrying about a "brown box" from work.
It is truly sad that we live a in supposed free nation where the exchange of ideas was once one of the great things that separated us from the monarchies or the dictatorships of the world. The United States of America has been molded into a nation of keep your mouth shut before you offend someone. Well guess what? Keeping my mouth shut offends me because our nation is failing because we can't talk politics or religion for that matter.
We cannot point out that extremist countries in the Middle East are "holding onto their guns and religion" while in our country President Obama made fun of Christians that believe in the 2nd Amendment and their religious beliefs that they hold dear. Maybe President Obama should go to Mecca and go ahead and give his holding onto your guns and religion speech and see show that works out for him. Now, that I have pointed that out, maybe I will be on the list of people that are on President Obama's list.
I believe that we need to have the tough political discussions while we still have time to do so. We are approaching an important Presidential election and need to talk about what issues face our nation and who is going to be "our leader" to get us out of this economic situation. Don't get me wrong the President does not control the entire economy, but the President is the face of our nation and the world is always watching what the President is going to do or not do for that matter.
If you don't talk about religion I can understand since we do not live in a society that will kill you for not being with the "state sanctioned religion," but it is time that we discuss the issues that are affecting us in politics. Politics surround us and we need to talk about the issues of the day before the issues we are talking about are $10 a gallon gasoline, $10 milk, and how we remembered the good old days of the 2010's. It can happen my friends. We must work on electing people that will turn this around.
A debt that has passed $16 trillion dollars and the President will not acknowledge it on late night T.V. Ignorance is not bliss especially when our nation borrows over $3 billion a day to pay for our government to run welfare programs that we simply cannot afford, wars that we should have won years ago, and inefficient government that our politicians prop up with Chinese debt and inflation by printing more money. The House of Cards if almost falling down and it is up to us to start talking about politics now before it is too late!
2nd amendment,
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Opt in or Opt out!
Recently the Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg got his wish to ban sugary drinks above 16 oz. These sugary sodas cannot be served or the restaurant can face substantial fines if they do so. Now this is a great example of the government opting you in to their new law without you having any choice in the matter. This is another example of the nanny state jumping in to save us from ourselves and treating New Yorker's once again as fools that cannot judge for themselves.
Now the good mayor of New York City finds it o.k. to give your daughters birth control on demand. Now if you want to actually have control over the medications your child takes you will have to "opt out" of this program. The irony is most schools make you sign a consent form to give your child medicine for headaches, but they will hand out birth control to your daughter's without a second thought. You have to opt out to get control of your child's ability to get "free", which is another government handout, medication that can actually in some cases cause health problems without a parent's consent.
I just find this totally disturbing. We do not teach our children in public schools to wait on sex at all. We empower them with free condoms and birth control so they can run off and get some STD's or even pregnant since most children are not responsible enough to take the medication they are given behind their parents' backs anyways. Why should we be surprised anyways right? We have a nanny state that continues to give away our hard earned money on programs like this rather than try to teach some self control in our children's lives.
You can't get a soda from a restaurant that is over 16 oz. without possibly getting fined, but your kid can get free condoms and birth control on the taxpayer dime with no consent? If you tired of our of control nanny state government then start to teaching your kids the right thing and vote out these controlling politicians that think you are too lazy and too stupid to take care of your own family. I encourage you to go to the polls and send a message of we are tired of being robbed to pay for bad behavior of others and politicians this November!
birth control,
New York,
United States,
Sunday, September 23, 2012
My Town Hall Experience
I had the honor of speaking at the town hall meeting at Rocking H Ranch in Lakeland, Florida on September 22nd. First of all, it was my wife's birthday and she is the one that said I should be there for this event on her birthday. I appreciate my wife's support as I try to educate the public on voter responsibility, candidates, and how we can make our nation great.
The town hall had a wide assortment of speakers including people that use to live in Cuba and Venezuela and they shared their experiences after the take over of their governments by dictators. It was very revealing and scary that one day you are living your everyday life and all of a sudden your world is turned upside down because you were successful and the government finds that you are a threat. If you have an education or wealth you are seen as a threat to the "dictator" or "leader" that is trying to pander to the poor or supposed disfranchised of a society then you are a threat. The speakers were trying to give a warning to the audience that it can happen here and they see it coming.
There were also candidates political races for County Commission, Circuit Judge, and State Senate also. We even got to hear from Kira Stickney, a 14 year old student, that shared her concerns with the $16 trillion dollar debt and how her family has been affected during these past few years. A truly great event where many great Americans from the local community came together to have an open discussion on the issues that we face together as Americans.
Nick Wukoson who is a tea party speaker, writer, and former Florida House candidate during his speech shocked the crowd when he said that he read the entire Obamacare bill, as the bill was actually upfront completely printed out, and revealed shocking details about it. One of the socking points of Nick's speech was how over 2000 pages of this bill was put out there and in 22 hours they had to vote on it. Simply scary to think we have a government that is out control to this point.
It was a great honor for me to speak at the town hall about the importance of local elections. These elections help determine how our communities are ran, but also can propel some politicians careers. I shared with the audience that we must ask bold questions and get answers from our elected officials and even when they are candidates so we can stop the ones that are unfit to lead from acquiring power. If we can do that on the local level then we can prevent them from moving up the ranks to higher political office that may affect us on a nation level in the future.
It is our responsibility as Americans to vote and be a part of the process and not a part of the problem. The problem of voter apathy and lack of voter education. Guessing on candidates on election day without doing your homework. I will not tell you how to vote, but I will tell you what I know and you can make your own decision on election day. It is about vote on someone's character, principles, and record. If you do not understand the motivation of someone that is running for political office then you are voting blindly. Always understand the motivation for someone's actions and who they are because they can affect you, your family, your friends, and your community for many years to come even after they leave office.
Polk County,
Rocking H Ranch,
town hall
Saturday, September 22, 2012
My trip to the pharmacy
One thing about this country I cannot stand is the sense of entitlement. People feel so entitled to having government handouts rather than taking some personal responsibility. I didn't say anything to this woman, but in my mind I was thinking you can afford to have an iPhone, but you can't afford to pay for prescriptions. It really makes you wonder about how our government can just take from people and give your hard earned money to others so they can live on your dime.
My wife and I work very hard to provide a good life for our daughter and have comfort in our lives. We have full time jobs, got an education, and buy our own health insurance because we are responsible. Responsibility is almost like a four letter word in our society. When you tell someone to take responsibility for their actions you are looked at like you have no compassion. Compassion is one thing, but letting people get away with wholesale theft from other people by a corrupt government using the IRS as the bully that can put you in jail, garnish wages, and charge penalties and interests if you are not on time with your tax payments that is just wrong, but people can just take your money under the force of government.
We must get rid of the these politicians that continue this nanny state and welfare state mentality. I am tired of working hard and taking responsibility for my family while others are just given freebies on the backs of my family and other families that do the right thing! Vote out the corrupt power hungry politicians that are making people feel like victims to give them excuses to take our money to keep the votes coming in to keep these politicians in power!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Work Ethic...
In a nation full of welfare and entitlement I wonder sometimes where is the work ethic? Work ethic was one of those great things that built The United States of America into the nation that people wanted to move to for a better life. Now with have a nation of just getting by and where is the next entitlement going to come from.
Many people in this nation have decided to take the easy way out and give up and allow the government to step in and give them welfare checks, food stamps, free cell phones with free texts, and many other government supported programs. These programs are not for free my friends. Someone has to pay for all of the government programs and as the work ethic in our nation disappears it will be harder and harder to find someone to take their earnings to fund this type of welfare state.
Who will have the work ethic still to keep the welfare rolls going? Will people with work ethic let it slip away because a government full of regulations and taxation keep taking other people's hard earned money? A government that continues to punish people for having a good work ethic with more taxes is going to be counter productive as some people will simply not want to move up in companies or start businesses due to the amount of red tape, regulations, fees, and taxes.
The government that we have now is a government of oppression that is so difficult to deal with that people simply give up and fall into the welfare rolls and stay there and what happens next? Welfare becomes a generational problem. Children and grandchildren see how people can just live on the welfare system and don't have to have any work ethic and just get paid to live. We are allowing future generations to fall into the welfare trap.
We are a nation that was built on great work ethic and if you didn't have work ethic you did not succeed. If you didn't work then you did not eat and you could not provide for your family. We need work ethic and sometimes you need to give someone the "kick in the butt" they need. The kick in the butt our nation needs is to the welfare system that we have here and allow people to keep the money they earn. Spend the money how they see fit because they earned it and with that money in the economy people can get jobs and start contributing to our nation instead of taking it with entitlements.
God Bless our great nation in our deepest time of need for better work ethic.
Picture courtesy of
United States,
work ethic
Monday, September 17, 2012
Common Sense
Common sense is one of those things that is slowing becoming extinct in our society. Once something that was used very widely in society has almost been exterminated by the government that continues to acquire power over the citizens of our great nation.
Common sense would say if I want to accumulate wealth and become financially independent I would need to make common sense decisions in my life so I can make money. Unfortunately, common sense is not rewarded, but rather discouraged by an out of control nanny welfare state mentality in our state and nation's capitol. You ask why is common sense dying off much like work ethic in our nation right?
Well let's look at our nation in terms of people having children they cannot support. First, you would think "hey I can't afford kids so I better be careful." Wrong! Our government has created a system of giveaways for those that chose not to use common sense. For example, let's look at W.I.C. which is government program to help mother's provide basic food for their children. Well common sense would say in this situation if you can't even afford the basic foods and the government has to tell you what to buy then common sense is not something that is widely used in this situation.
Second, if you can't afford children you would think you would use some sort of birth control or protection in order to prevent a pregnancy that may occur because pregnancy and children occur from sex. Unfortunately, once again people point at Planned Parenthood to help with this gap in our society that cannot use common sense, but as we can see more unwed mothers and more children in the government system. If we continue to allow the government to be the provider and a "role model" for our children the welfare state will continue to spread and grow.
Finally, common sense if dying because we the American people are allowing it to die. Once upon a time we would call out people that made judgement calls that were not good and either help them in our local community or get them the help they need to get back on their feet. The American people have ignored what is going on around us and now we have an ever expanding welfare nanny state government the continues to take from the producers in order to comfort those that do not use common sense because our government steps into that role of a provider. Once you get hooked on government handouts it then can become a generational problem. People that grow up with it see it as a common occurrence and then get into a cycle. The cycle of common sense not being used must stop. It is up to all of us to make that happen.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Town hall meeting 9/22/2012 come out and meet me and other great Americans!
I am glad to be a part of this great event coming up on September 22nd at 6:30 p.m. at Rocking H Ranch in Lakeland, Florida. I am will be speaking about the importance of voting along with other great speakers. I encourage all voters to come out and discuss the issues that we face and how important it is to be educated on the candidates in our area. Everyone in the Lakeland, Florida and Tampa Bay area are invited to come out.
The issues we face are great, but we are a great nation. Our nation was born under circumstances that history said was impossible so the issues we face are not impossible to face, but we must come together in order to change the direction of our nation. We face a debt of over $16 trillion that has never been seen in the history mankind. A debt so large that that if we paid back a dollar every second and did not acquire any new debt it would take 507,356 years! When you put that in a number like that it is simply outrageous and embarrassing. How did a great nation like ours get here?
While there are several reason why we got to this state of debt I would point at one glaring factor. It is the American citizen and voters fault. We the American people have allowed these politicians to be elected to office and create this ridiculous amount of debt. Voters have either decided not to vote and or simply did not do their homework on who was on the ballot. Voter education has been lacking in our nation and it apparent when people vote for fancy campaign slogans rather than the person that is running for elected office.
Americans must pay close attention to our local elections. You may ask why pay attention to local elections? These local elections will affect you on the local level which is pretty apparent by the name local elections. These candidates that become your local officials generally after a while are either term limited or decide to go higher in the elected office food chain. After time in a position they decide it's time to run for a higher office so they can continue to have power. I always say if we stop bad candidates from being elected at the local level we can prevent them from being elected to state or the federal level. We must stop these type of people before they acquire name recognition, fund raising power, and power that will lead these type of corruptible people from getting to a level that can put us in the situation we are now.
I encourage everyone to register to vote. I encourage everyone to question your candidates before we have someone elected that is unfit to lead us. When you do not question candidates or elected officials on their actions you are saying with your silence you are okay with their decisions that are not only affecting you, but they are also affecting your family, friends, and neighbors. The actions of a few elected officials can affect us not just now, but for generations because we allowed it to happen. We have to be question candidates and elected officials with boldness and make sure they understand we are not going to be silenced. We will use all of the tools available to us now. We will use Facebook, twitter, blogs, and other means to show we are here and we are involved and will get our answers or we will vote you out at every opportunity we have to show our strength. The strength of our nation is not our government or its corrupted power. It is still our citizens which should all be voters that can turn this nation around to a nation of free people that are able to become great with their work and not the government picking the winners and losers.
If you Don't Vote we all Lose!
As a nation many Americans have continued to be frustrated with our government. A government for that, has more many generations, promised Americans handouts and freebies through the Federal government. Americans have been fooled for generations by a government that cannot provide for all because it is the problem. The government is full of people that act like parents rather than adults. The government is full of pandering politicians that raise taxes, create more regulation, borrow billions of dollars, and print money like the end will never come so they can give “their children” which are the welfare and government assistance recipients.
Since I have talked about these things we need to look at if you don’t vote we all lose. We all lose may be a big thing to think about. Some people may say that I am crazy or out of line to think that the United States of America could be come a 3rd world nation because of our government’s misdeeds to buy the votes of the poor and uneducated of this nation. The poor and uneducated are used and abused by a leftist agenda that will bus them to the polls and go to their homes to help them fill out ballots and in some cases can’t even read what they are voting for.
This has been a systematic abuse of our system. Our founders believed that we needed an educated electorate to keep our nation alive and away from the tyranny of the European monarchs that taxed and used the people of the colonies around the world during the 1700’s. Our Founding Fathers wanted to make sure that we had people that to keep our country free and that is to understand what this nation is all about. It is quite simply freedom. The freedom to move as we please, the ability to get an education, the ability to have a good paying job and not have the government hand it out.
If you don’t vote we all lose because we the American people do not get to say “NO” more corporate handouts. “NO” more funding of radical groups with our tax dollars. “NO” more handouts to the lazy. Voters can say “YES” to people that will represent us with values and say “YES” to lower taxes so people can actually save money and not get robbed of their hard work because their actually have a job. Voters can say “YES” to ending the welfare state that enables generations of Americans to be poor and locked into the hoods and the ghettos of our nation.
We can vote for people that will end the promotion if you have more children the government will pay you for them. We can vote for representatives that will end the wholesale theft of the American workers income to fund people that continue to have children that cannot afford them because they get tax breaks, food stamps, WIC, and other government assistance that keeps them lazy and voting for communists that call themselves Democrats.
If you don’t vote we all lose because Nancy Pelosi and her communist friends will continue to make you poorer so you can be the newest recipient of your 99 week pay paid vacation through unemployment checks. You can also become another statistic by being on welfare and food stamps because Nancy Pelosi thinks it’s good to expand it. These are the values that liberals, progressives, communists, Marxists, socialists, and etc. believe in. The want you poor and uneducated, but they need to be in office to accomplish their grand plans of a hammer and sickle state much like the Soviet Union. If you think it can’t happen, just look at history. It can happen unless you vote for real people that will stay out of the way and let us the people of this great nation work for a living and not live on the backs of the workers of this great nation.
Please use the facts even if they are clouded by liberal agendas. The American voter must turn out to vote at every election because all the previous ones have led our country in trillion dollar debts to the Chinese government and foreign powers that would love to see the United States of America become a failed state. Americans must stand up and be firm with our voices united we will not be robbed to pay for other countries, companies, or people. We must turn to our churches and local nonprofits to help people. No more government programs means local control of local issues and it starts with your vote, so vote wisely so we can get out of this mess that has been created for generations.
Matthew A. Brower
Visit my radio show at
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