Friday, October 12, 2012

Elmo and the White Suburban

President Obama was in San Francisco this week and wanted to make a joke at a campaign rally.  Of course this joke that President Obama wanted to make was not on script or teleprompter.  The President in his almighty wisdom wants to be somewhat funny, but all he did was make many more American's wonder why he continues to try to make jokes while millions of Americans are suffering.

Let's break it down the President's joke about Elmo and the White Suburban.  The joke was meant as a comeback to Mitt Romney's statement in the debate that he will cut funding to PBS if he is elected as President this fall.  President Obama said that Elmo is driving to the border in a White Suburban.  While many people think it was an O.J. Simpson joke I really feel it wasn't at all.  San Francisco is very well known as a sanctuary city for illegal aliens.  The driving for the border by Elmo is just another gaff by the President in a well known sanctuary city.

Second, let's break down the White Suburban comment that the President made.  Another hidden meaning in this case.  The President is talking about white suburban people.  Think about the words in a sanctuary city talking about driving for the border and mentioning a white suburban vehicle.  The suburban a well known soccer mom vehicle in the suburbs of America.  Words have meanings and he used that white suburban comment off script and off teleprompter once again showing his true thought process.  

Third, many people may or may not be aware that Elmo's voice is actual done by a Kevin Clash who is an African American puppeteer and voice actor.  Don't think the President did not have has this on his mind when he used Elmo.  Why not use Oscar the Grouch, Cookie Monster, or any other character for that matter.  The President made a decision to use Elmo in this case.  We must watch our politicians very carefully and the words they speak because you can get a glimpse into what they are thinking when they are off script or teleprompter in this case.

Why would President Obama be so specific in picking a "white suburban", "Elmo", "driving to the border", and of all places in San Francisco a well known sanctuary city known for protecting illegal aliens.  This break down of his statement can be very revealing into the mind of President Obama.  The President is known as a very well educated person so we have take him at his words right?  It is time to listen to the President and figure out the meanings of his words and I figured out his words as soon as he said this statement.  Watch the video and you will see what I am saying.  He was trying to figure out what to say and those were his words.  

The election is fast approaching and it is time to use our education and make a choice for the direction of The United States of America.  I encourage you to learn more about your candidates for President.  This election is important for our lives and future generations.  

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