Saturday, October 26, 2013

What's Next: Health Insurance Credit Scores

With Obamacare starting to affect millions Americans some people are asking can it get any worse?  Well it might just get worse with Health Insurance Credit Scores.  Many Americans do not realize that insurance scores are used not just to buy automobiles, homes, and consumer credit cards, but are also used in applying for home owners insurance and even auto insurance.  Corporations use credit scores to determine risk and the ability to pay back a debt or predict future possibility of future claims.

While preexisting conditions are covered under the new "Affordable Care Act" millions of Americans are getting sticker shock.  While the can find coverage it certainly is not "affordable" as promised by President Obama.  Now insurance companies are being forced to cover a wide variety of coverages and items that are "free" to the consumer.  Americans should realize nothing is free and those "free" coverages under Obamacare are just worked into your premium.

The Health Insurance Credit Score is coming soon to Americans.  The government soon will have more data than ever before.  Even cash paying clients of doctors cannot hide anymore.  Doctors are required to report everything to the government.  The government will have a wide variety of data that it never had before on Americans outside of Medicaid and Medicare.  As you may know the government already had the data on Medicaid and Medicare patients since they are already paying for those people.

The tentacles of the government will have data concerning if you use walk-in clinics, Emergency room care, hospital stays, medications you use, preexisting conditions, DNA profiling, also family history of parents and siblings, income status, marital status, financial credit score, employment status, gun ownership, occupation, and so much more.  They will use these items and others not discussed here to create a Health Insurance Credit Score.  This score could turn into a score that determines your rates all the way to who gets care first "rationing" when the system is under too much stress.

I always say if you can think it the government is either working on it or will be doing it soon.  Millions of Americans may be in denial of what is going on around them by watching "reality TV" while the reality around them is ready to devour them.  Will 1/6th of the economy being taken over by the Federal Government with Obamacare legislation and regulations be prepared for the government to cut off people somehow due to millions more being put on the Medicaid roles by saying they qualify for Medicaid.  Billions of taxpayer dollars being diverted to people that had no idea "they were poor" to qualify for Medicaid.

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