Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Christian and Democrat

I saw this in the Lakeland Ledger newspaper in it's October 2nd, 2012 edition.  When I saw this opinion piece and it's title I just had to read it, even for it's comedic title.  I am going to give you little break down of this opinion piece because I feel this person is definitely on the wrong team in terms of political party.  Not all political parties or people are perfect, but this has to be addressed.

This person outlined why she is a Democrat even though she is a Christian.  The first bullet says she believes in what the Bible says about homosexuality and abortion.  So you believe those are wrong, but you willfully show your support for a party that actively support these practices.  This person is willing to vote for a President that once did share your belief in marriage between one man and one woman, but he all of sudden evolved his beliefs in an election year?  As for abortion the President and his Democrat Party support abortion on demand rather than practicing personal responsibility by not sleeping around and taking precautions to prevent pregnancy.  If you vote for this then you condone it because it is what they talk about and support.

Next, she believes in the Bible telling people to help those in need.  So the government should just take whatever it deems necessary to help those people it believes that are in need of your money?  This is the backwards thinking that has allowed our nation to be taxed so hard to buy the loyalty of those on welfare.  The Bible did not say for the government to take to become a forced charity and if you don't pay your forced charity gift you could end up paying fines, penalties, or even jail time.  If you truly believe in helping people then give out of the kindness of your heart and stop forcing people by taxing them.  Once again some personal responsibility would be great and also allowing non profits, charities, and churches to get involved with helping people on a local level to get them to a better place.  The government is not interested in you personally, but only filled with people ready to get power and keep it.  Local issues require local people to step up and do the right thing and get government out of it.

She also wants to talk about freedom.  I believe in freedom in our great nation so let's talk about freedom for a moment.  President Obama and the Democrats said you are going to be able to keep your doctor with Obamacare.  Many doctors are already not taking new Medicare and Medicaid insured people because the reimbursements are too low and not cost effective to keep seeing these people.  So keeping your freedom of choice for doctors is not true under that insurance plan.  Let's also talk about freedom in general.  If you have freedom to do everything then why have laws.  Supporting the Democrats freedom grab in healthcare if wrong.

If you feel the Democrats or the President are on the side of Israel you are wrong again. President Obama preferred to be on The View rather than meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The President is more concerned with keeping his power rather than meeting with the only true democracy in the Middle East.  The President is not being tough on Iran and it's leaders that have publicly said they want to wipe Israel off the map.  That is the President and the Democrats in action.

Finally, the Bible does not tell us to follow leaders that are not following principles that we do not believe in.  Many times in the Bible Christians were killed because they would not bow to false idols or false gods.  The Democrat Convention had a part where people actually "boo" God.  Really this is the party that shares your Christian beliefs?  The nanny state of providing for people that do not take responsibility for their own actions.  A party that removed God from it's platform at the start of the convention you feel shares your Christian values?  The question at the end of the day is what is the price of your freedom worth because freedom has different definitions especially with this woman in Florida.

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