Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Welfare and Government

Alright we are living in a time of ever expanding welfare.  The welfare state is so screwed up you qualify for more welfare if you are already on another welfare program.  Case in point is if you are food stamps you can get a government supported cell phone with several hundred "free" minutes, "free" texting, and "free" long distance.  Freebies all around them and the government continues to hook people on the handouts with more handouts if you are already on handouts.  Wow must be great to have no motivation to get a job because the more you get the more you qualify for.

Here is the thing that people don't realize that is going on.  Our government does not really care if you are poor or not.  Let's be honest if they did they would give you basics like food to make sure you do not go hungry and give you food directly and not a EBT card.  The EBT card that people use in some cases to get cash for them.  Once you give someone something and do not check up on them anymore things can get out of control.  Crab legs on EBT?  My family doesn't eat that good.  Buying junk food on EBT and not eating healthy on my taxpayer money is insulting.  Not only that when their health declines I have to pay for the Medicaid because they did not take care of themselves.

Driving through town and seeing satellite dishes in the government housing is insulting.  You mean you can't afford housing and need taxpayer subsidized housing, but you can afford satellite t.v.?   Sounds legit right?  My wife and I work hard and when I say hard we have our regular full time jobs and own our own business also.  We work to provide for our family, but it seems that people are o.k. to take handouts while my family gets robbed by I.R.S. gunpoint.

If you have a car or even a car payment for that matter and you are on food stamps that is theft from the taxpayer.  You can afford a car, but you can't feed you or your family?  I have to call that out and say stop the fraud.  Another fraud is people on Medicaid when they do not take responsibility by having more children than they can not afford.  Having children out of wedlock and continuing to get child tax credits for having more of them and not having any intention of giving them a decent life other than government welfare is wrong.  No matter the race of the person it is happening everywhere.  Let's face it we are all humans and people are people and there are people that are out to take from the government and could care less about you or me.

It is time to fix the welfare state in this country.  Get rid of the fraud and make people earn what they get.  Allowing people to get handouts with no intention of getting a job or getting off welfare.  Why would they want out of it to be honest.  The government has continued to make it easier to get more handouts be staying exactly where you are at by being poor and dependent on the kindness of the government.  The government is not your friend and this nation was not founded on handouts.  We have allowed this to happen by electing
people that care about power and not people.  The government handout is not compassion it is economic slavery and if we don't vote out the enablers and turn this around very soon we will see the implosion of our economy under the weight of welfare.

Our charities, non-profits, and churches are going to suffer as the government continues to tax more people to fund this welfare state.  The food banks and soup kitchens are going to be pushed harder as the middle class and even rich are hit harder with more taxes and regulations to deal with.  Soon the government will push them out of business so the government will have less competition.  We have to face it the government does not like competition so just regulate it and tax it out of business.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Twinkies, Jobs, and Government

This week we found out that Hostess made the decision to close it's doors due to the baker's strike.  Common sense would say you can't sell baked goods without bakers right?  So the baker's union and the bakers were warned if they started a strike the company would shut down operations started a strike anyways.  The Hostess company maker of the famous Twinkies was already in financial trouble before the strike started.

The irony of all of this is what troubles me.  The baker's union bosses and their officials still have jobs even after 18,500 people lost their jobs.  These bakers decided to ask for more when the company already warned that they could not give more and actually had to cut back.  I guess the management of Hostess wasn't bluffing when they said they would close their doors.  Now 18,500 people lost their jobs because they listened to the union that did not lose their jobs.

Even if Hostess survived the baker's union strike it would not be long until Michelle Obama and the food police shut their doors anyways with either regulations or new taxes.  The food police are coming for your snacks and you can't have any fun, but the government will provide your birth control and government mandated insurance.  The scary part is we need jobs and the government in it's all might wisdom saves certain industries while others are allowed to die off.  I am in not favor of bailouts, but the irony of President Obama being for the middle class and for union workers is not accurate.  See what just happened?  18,500 mostly middle class jobs gone due to unions that give mainly to Democrats.  I guess President Obama and his administration were not coming to the rescue of Hostess, these middle class jobs, or these union workers.  They were used for a reelection campaign and they got a pink slip because of it.

In an economy where since President Obama's reelection has companies announcing layoffs of 10's of thousands or workers pretty much as soon as the results are in is troubling.  Troubling is that these companies in order to survive have to shed these jobs to either get under the amount of employees on staff to not get hit as hard under Obamacare or simply to keep their doors open with less employee overhead.  The promise of "Forward" and the utopia society is causing many middle class workers to lose their jobs while Washington politicians have exempted themselves and other donors from the same Obamacare fate.

Remember the government is not creating jobs they are destroying jobs with crippling regulations, taxes, and mandates.  Why stay in business when you can just give up and get on the government handout bandwagon.  Here is another thought about the bakers from Hostess.  Where are they going to find jobs in their field that they have been working in and get around the same pay and benefits?  The answer is they probably won't since many companies will not hire people at higher salaries starting as new employees and the benefits forget about it in this economy.  Good luck finding a job much less good benefits especially health insurance.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Obamacare and Non-Profits

Many people know that Obamacare is a disaster and will affect millions of people directly through higher taxes and penalties.  There is one issue that many Americans do not realize and will be a direct result of Obamacare and what you may ask that is?  Obamacare is going to destroy the non-profit sector in the United States of America.

Many Americans give to non-profits, charities, and churches to help their local communities.  I am one of those Americans that gives out the generosity of my heart because I feel local money and local decisions get better results because we understand the needs of our own communities.  The problem of Obamacare is that it is going to hurt many people that give to non-profits.  If you get hit with an additional $3,000-$4,000 tax bill because you have a good health insurance or you don't have health insurance so you now have to pay a penalty you start to look for ways to cut back.

Americans will look for a way to cut back so they can afford rent, mortgage, car payment, insurance, and utilities and that list goes on.  Non-profits are going to suffer, but the government did not tell you that did they?  The government machine does not want you to know that non-profits will suffer and will give government more power to give away your hard earned money to groups and people that you did approve of giving your money to.  The government wants to squeeze out non-profits without saying it or doing it directly so why have Obamacare do it for them.

Churches will suffer also in not only their gifts from their congregations, but also for food banks and other help they provide for communities.  The government does not like competition so the squeeze is on, but if you are in the leadership of the church you can't speak out or face losing your non-profit status.  Ironic isn't it?  It's like trying to be in business against a company that can print money and borrow money on an almost unlimited basis.  Irony in this situation is dangerous to our local communities and non profits.  The government continues to acquire more power over our paychecks and now non-profits are in danger of being put out of business.

Many non-profits get matching funds from private companies or even government funding, but they must meet certain fundraising goals so without the private money coming in they serve less people and the government creeps in again on the non-profit sector.  Now private companies will be hurt on their bottom lines with Obamacare.  Many are starting to announce layoffs and positioning themselves to make a profit so soon you will see many companies cut charitable givings to survive this Obamacare nightmare.  Remember elections have consequences and this is one of them.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Is it Time to Reinvent the GOP?

The question after the loss in the 2012 Presidential election is that is it time to reinvent the GOP?  Many people in the media are saying the the Republican Party needs to change with the times.  I agree in a way with this and have thought of this for a long time. In order to win elections you need a majority of the votes in the election to win right?  So it's time to get more people in the Republican Party and time to change leadership to make that happen.

The leadership of the Republican Party tow the social issue line on abortion and while I do not support it this social issue turns people away even though you may agree on most of the issues in our country.  While abortion is seen as something that is terrible to many Americans and even other Americans may not agree with it, but are not willing to try to overturn Roe v. Wade because women will try to get abortions even if it is against the law.  It should be safe for women that get them even though you do not agree with it.

I have a view on this and many Americans may have the same view, but are not as willing to say it.  While I do not support abortion and it is legal at this time women that have this procedure done have to answer to their God at the end of their lives.  We have free will in our lives and if someone chooses that option then they will have to live with that decision for the rest of their lives.  While the Republican Party is talking about overturning the decision by the Supreme Court it scares people to the Democrats because of this social issue.  Let us practice our religion and our beliefs, but not scare away people that are fiscally conservative and want to be on our side if it was not for this issue.  In addition our tax payer money should not be used for abortion since that is an elective procedure.

The Republican Party needs to do a better job selling conservative economic values and the value or work.  If conservatives want to get the government out of the welfare business we need to get more involved in our communities so the government is not needed to prop up millions of people.  Republicans have for decades allowed the government to expand the welfare state and have not spoken up to get churches, non profits, and charities more involved in taking care of social issues at the local community level.  Many politicians either want their name on a building, a piece of legislation, or be popular rather than doing the tough job of keeping our country out of a nanny welfare state that will eventually collapse our economy.

The Republican Party needs to be more welcoming to gays and lesbians.  I know this may be a shocker to many people, but you probably know a gay or lesbian, but they have not come out yet.  It is time to be welcoming to these people and treat them as Americans instead of a sexual preference.  In regards to gay marriage I do not thing gay marriage should be in this nation and I will explain why.  Marriage was created as a religious institution and should remain that way.  The government started to adopt it and started to make money on it with fees and taxing it.  If you get married that should be in religious and if it crosses over to the government it should be considered with the government as a civil union.  Gays and lesbians have civil union rights in many states and if they choose that then they have made their choice.  Civil unions are the answer since many religious groups do not want "marriage" involved in the issue.

I have been a Republican for many years myself and it is time to be more inclusive in the party if it is to survive.  We are Americans and it is time to band together to save our nation from a financial collapse.  Because if our nation collapses under the weight of social welfare and bad economic policies then we all lose.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Voting is the Best Revenge

On November 2nd President Obama's reelection campaign went off script again and now the President is asking people to for vote for "revenge."  Let's first look at the definition of revenge that I reviewed it at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revenge and it shows "Revenge is a harmful action against a person or group in response to a grievance, be it real or perceived."  The anger of the Obama campaign is now reaching its peak as revenge.  Revenge from what you may ask?  What has Mitt Romney done to Barack Obama or the American people to invoke revenge?  Seems once again President Obama is desperate to get votes so when a crowd boos Mitt Romney he has to invoke the word revenge.

President Obama has accumulated another $6 trillion in debt, unemployment rate at 7.9% for those actually counted and that number is not a real indication of show bad it really is.  That 7.9% number is a number that does not include under employeed, people that have had their unemployment benefits run out, people that took part time work, or those people that have given up looking for work.  Those are what President Obama will not touch and why would he right?  Running on his record would not get him reelected at all, but he has to use people with "revenge" as a motivation to vote for him.

President Obama has showed anger in this election along with his Vice President Joe Biden.  President Obama cannot run on Obamacare because many of the taxes and fees are about to start and he doesn't want the election to be about that accomplishment.  That is why he continues to use Big Bird, Elmo, and now revenge.  A person running from his record will try to deflect attention from what really matters.  The debt is out of control and the President is not telling us how he will get us out of it with real answers.  Saying I will cut some here and tax the rich over there is not reality.  It is playing politics as usual, but with class warfare this time.  Demonizing success is not American, but this election is about The United States of America and the future of our nation.

The future of our nation is on the line and not an angry President deflecting what the issues are.  Over 47 million people on food stamps and over 15 million of them are added on his watch.  Why does he ignore this and not address it?  He doesn't want to remind people on how he expanded the social welfare state and has no plan to get people off of food stamps and allows the USDA to continue expanding the program with more Chinese debt.  President Obama wants to have people on government assistance and if did not he would not allow it to expand this much and would have not laughed at the not so shovel ready jobs.  Spending all that money for nothing and laughing at it.  Our economy is not a joke, but this election is about revenge.  The President is out for revenge, but on who?