Sunday, November 18, 2012

Twinkies, Jobs, and Government

This week we found out that Hostess made the decision to close it's doors due to the baker's strike.  Common sense would say you can't sell baked goods without bakers right?  So the baker's union and the bakers were warned if they started a strike the company would shut down operations started a strike anyways.  The Hostess company maker of the famous Twinkies was already in financial trouble before the strike started.

The irony of all of this is what troubles me.  The baker's union bosses and their officials still have jobs even after 18,500 people lost their jobs.  These bakers decided to ask for more when the company already warned that they could not give more and actually had to cut back.  I guess the management of Hostess wasn't bluffing when they said they would close their doors.  Now 18,500 people lost their jobs because they listened to the union that did not lose their jobs.

Even if Hostess survived the baker's union strike it would not be long until Michelle Obama and the food police shut their doors anyways with either regulations or new taxes.  The food police are coming for your snacks and you can't have any fun, but the government will provide your birth control and government mandated insurance.  The scary part is we need jobs and the government in it's all might wisdom saves certain industries while others are allowed to die off.  I am in not favor of bailouts, but the irony of President Obama being for the middle class and for union workers is not accurate.  See what just happened?  18,500 mostly middle class jobs gone due to unions that give mainly to Democrats.  I guess President Obama and his administration were not coming to the rescue of Hostess, these middle class jobs, or these union workers.  They were used for a reelection campaign and they got a pink slip because of it.

In an economy where since President Obama's reelection has companies announcing layoffs of 10's of thousands or workers pretty much as soon as the results are in is troubling.  Troubling is that these companies in order to survive have to shed these jobs to either get under the amount of employees on staff to not get hit as hard under Obamacare or simply to keep their doors open with less employee overhead.  The promise of "Forward" and the utopia society is causing many middle class workers to lose their jobs while Washington politicians have exempted themselves and other donors from the same Obamacare fate.

Remember the government is not creating jobs they are destroying jobs with crippling regulations, taxes, and mandates.  Why stay in business when you can just give up and get on the government handout bandwagon.  Here is another thought about the bakers from Hostess.  Where are they going to find jobs in their field that they have been working in and get around the same pay and benefits?  The answer is they probably won't since many companies will not hire people at higher salaries starting as new employees and the benefits forget about it in this economy.  Good luck finding a job much less good benefits especially health insurance.

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